Radi Calalang

The Metrics of Tragedy

The enormity of damage wrought by Super Typhoon Haiyan has been discussed often enough in the news and social media, and it has been a persistent topic of global conversation even weeks after.  But only by looking closely at the data does one get a real sense of the sheer scale of the calamity. Most […]

Get Ready To Rumble for a Cause

On Saturday, Nov 23 the HELP Benefit Concert and Fundraiser in San Francisco will feature live performances from many Filipino talents and a live telecast of the Pacquiao-Rios boxing match.  Our aim is to gather the community together to help those affected by Super Typhoon Haiyan. But also, we hope to celebrate the amazing spirit […]

Finding Strength In Numbers

Piercing through the collective pain and unprecedented tragedy that Typhoon Haiyan has wrought on our country, shines a small but sturdy beacon of light.  It is the glow of solidarity born from a cause so great, it is recognized by all to be greater than any person’s ambition, any group’s agenda, or any nation’s dysfunction. […]